January 8, 2018

About Us

The Manitowoc County Domestic Violence Center (D.B.A In-Courage) is a non-profit organization providing supportive responses to people in the Manitowoc County area who are experiencing violence in their lives. Abuse is neither justified nor acceptable under any circumstances. Abuse can take on many forms including: Physical, Verbal, Sexual and Emotional. For many survivors, abuse can have a long lasting effect which can be damaging and devastating if left untreated. Realizing that domestic violence has been a way of life for many families for a long time, we seek to break the cycle of family destruction.

We dedicated our agency to the belief that ” No one deserves to be abused.” In support of that belief, we offer a 24 hour, 7 day a week crisis line, a shelter home for women and their children; supportive counseling services; support groups; financial, legal, and medical advocacy; community education programs; child care; emergency transportation; follow-up services. One of our most important services is to provide support in a warm, friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. Each person has the right to decide the next step. We provide information and options for people to make their own decisions.

We dedicated our agency to the belief that ” No one deserves to be abused.” In support of that belief, we offer a 24 hour, 7 day a week crisis line, a shelter home for women and their children; supportive counseling services; support groups; financial, legal, and medical advocacy; community education programs; child care; emergency transportation; follow-up services. One of our most important services is to provide support in a warm, friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. Each person has the right to decide the next step. We provide information and options for people to make their own decisions.


Sara Meier

Executive Director

Amirah Franzen

Domestic Abuse Program Coordinator

Dalice Metoxen

Sexual Assault Prevention Educator

Brandy McFetridge

Children’s Advocate

Laura Falvey

Operations Manager

Kathy Feo

DV Advocate

Chiara Boss

Rapid Rehousing Advocate

Trudy Stransky


Valerie Oswald-Samson

Director of Community Engagement

Violet Salley

Sexual Assault Coordinator

Beth Dow

Rapid Rehousing Advocate


The Manitowoc County Domestic Violence Center (D.B.A. InCourage) was organized in 1977 to help alleviate the problems of domestic abuse. The Mental Health Association’s Adult Services Committee on Spousal Abuse was instrumental in providing the groundwork for the formative stages of the agency. Other agencies and organizations involved in the planning and implementation of Manitowoc County’s domestic abuse program included: the League of Women Voters, National Organization of Women. Spouses of Recovering Alcoholics. American Association of University Women. Manitowoc Counseling Center, the County Department of Human Services and local clergy. In 2015, the Domestic Violence starting doing business as InCourage. This name change encompasses all service that are provided.

We dedicated our agency to the belief that ” No one deserves to be abused.” In support of that belief, we offer a 24 hour, 7 day a week crisis line, a shelter home for women and their children; supportive counseling services; support groups; financial, legal, and medical advocacy; community education programs; child care; emergency transportation; follow-up services. One of our most important services is to provide support in a warm, friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere. Each person has the right to decide the next step. We provide information and options for people to make their own decisions.