Our Impact
InCourage exists to provide help and healing to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault. We help hundreds of people every year with counseling, advocacy, shelter and other services as our clients begin their journey of healing. Our outreach and education programs reach thousands of students and adults, helping them understand the cycle of violence and the warning signs of domestic abuse.
While not all victims of abuse need InCourage for shelter, everyone can access the help of caring professionals and the support of those who share in the first-hand understanding of domestic/sexual abuse. In Courage welcomes all seeking the support and tools to build a life free of violence.
Our staff is here to help people understand the dynamics of domestic abuse/sexual assault, to develop plans for safety and to find the individualized services they may need on their path to survival. The journey to help and healing is just a phone call away.
Crisis Line 24/7: 1-920-684-5770
Or contact us by email by clicking on this link: Incourage@incouragewi.org