December 22, 2017




Why volunteer at InCourage?

Choose from a variety of opportunities. We find the right fit for you!
Pick your hours. We are flexible.
Use your skills and talents.
Share your passions.
Change a life through your experiences.
Give back to your community.
We love our volunteers!

    I would like to volunteer
    I would like to receive the monthly needs list
    I would like to be contacted

    Please prove you are human by selecting the house.

    Thoughts from our Volunteers

    "It's nice to feel needed."
    "Thanks for getting back to me so quickly."
    "I know that I can help someone."



    Shelter Activities Assistant:

    • Play indoor or outdoor games, do crafts, plan activities with the children
    • Teach a craft or skill or share your talents.
    • Plan family fun nights, such as game or movie night
    • Make a meal or snack
    • Assist children with homework.

    Shelter Assistant/Crisis Line:

    • Answer the domestic violence or sexual assault crisis lines (training provided)
    • Assist residents  in shelter with daily living skills as needed
    • Other volunteer opportunities:
      • Restocking kitchen cupboards
      • Organizing/cleaning
      • Processing donations
      • Receptionist/Office Work:
    • Greet visitors (during daytime hours)
    • Assist with clerical duties such as:
      • Data entry
      • Making copies
      • Filing
      • Preparing mailings
      • Familiarity with Word and Excel a plus.

    Special Events/Fundraising:

    • Lend a hand at special events.
    • Fundraisers.
    • Mailings

    Volunteer Shopper:

    • Purchase groceries and other items (with gift cards provided by InCourage) on weekly basis.
    • May also run other errands as needed.

    Sexual Assault On-Call Advocacy:

    • Share in the on-call schedule to provide crisis intervention/support for victims, their family members and friends.
    • Provide support to survivors of sexual assault during a hospital medical exam and throughout the criminal justice process.
    • This opportunity is available primarily nights and weekends.

    Support Group Assistant:

    • Help prepare for and co-facilitate support groups with trained staff.


    • Assist in the transportation of clients to appointments in the community and other various destinations.
    • Can use agency van or your insured vehicle.


    • Supervise children so moms can attend support groups, meet with staff, work on goals, or just have a little time alone.
    • Provide a non-violent, supportive atmosphere, offer one-on-one assistance with homework and/or recreational activities.

    Maintenance/Yard work:

    • Help with regular maintenance or yard work.
    • Summer lawn mowing is always needed.

    Community Education:

    • Tell your personal experiences with domestic violence or sexual assault to various groups or individuals.

    Legal Advocacy:

    • Provide assistance in the preparation and filing of restraining orders.
    • Attend injunction hearings with petitioner.

    If you wish to learn more information about ways to volunteer and how you might help, Please fill out the contact form by clicking here. 


    Or call 1-920-684-4661.